Matt 5:4 (KJV)
For the next little while, I will be meditating on this verse. defines mourn as:
1. To feel or express grief or sorrow.
I believe Jesus is saying that if we repent of our sins, he will bless us with his comfort. In order to do this effectively, we have to realize how evil our sins are and have a grasp of how that affects us and our walk with God (,or become poor in spirit).
I will be praying that God will continue to speak to me and help me to grow. I will also pray for all of the people who are reading this. One of the reasons I am making this public is so that others will be encouraged or blessed by it, and I want so much for all of my friends to fall deeper in love with God. This is my prayer:
Dear Lord,
You are so powerful and mighty. Your glory fills the Earth and we praise you. You are so holy, Lord. Thank you so much for your love. Thank you for sending your son to be the ultimate sacrifice to shield us from your holy wrath. I also thank you for showing my sins to me. Please continue to reveal them to me. I hate how evil I am. I see my sins and how fowl they are, but I keep coming back to them over and over again. I know that I am not perfect, and I ask that when I do fall, you pick me up again. Don't let me go back to my sinful lifestyle. You promise that you will comfort me when I mourn. I don't know how you will comfort me, but I will be listening for your voice. I also ask for you to be with all of the people who are reading my blog. Let it be a tool to help your children get closer to you. Inspire them and give them wisdom so that they may learn from what I have learned. Thank you for what you have done, what you are doing in my life, and what you are going to do. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Please pray for me too. This is getting harder for me to do. Satan is attacking me with old sins, fatigue, homework, and other things like that. Please feel free to write your prayer as a comment if you feel comfortable with it. Just do what you are led to do.
Praying for you :) Even though this is really old!